# Mouse Sensitivity on Arch

The following assumes that you are using Xorg as the windowing protocol.

# Using xinput

Get a list of devices with:

xinput list

In this list you will find the identifier and names of your devices. In this example, we will assume "Logitech MX Vertical" as our device indentifier.


Get a list of all properties of your device:

xinput list-props "pointer:Logitech MX Vertical"

Here you will see a list of properties that can be configured. In this case, the property we want to configure is "libinput Accel Speed"


Next we set the acceleration to desired value:

xinput set-prop "pointer:Logitech MX Vertical" "libinput Accel Speed" 1

And that's it! The acceleration value is updated. However, this configuration will be reset when we reboot the system. To make it permanent, we can include the set-prop command in ~/.xprofile. .xprofile is executed at the beginning of each X user session.

# ~/.xprofile
xinput set-prop "pointer:Logitech MX Vertical" "libinput Accel Speed" 1

# Customizing Logitech MX Mouse

The max sensitivity of the config above was not enough for me. There is further customization we can do with Logitech MX mouse.

See archwiki (opens new window)


  • Sensitivity can be adjusted with the dpi property
  • Archwiki says to run logid -v to get the name of device. sudo is required to get this to work.